The farm . . .

I would like to introduce myself – I am Lisa Treadaway, the owner of The Little Herb House. Craig, my husband, and I own and live on the farm where The Little Herb House is located. Seventeen years ago I started my business with a vision of growing herbs and making herbal products, way before the terms “Buy Local” or “Farm Sustainability” or “All-Natural Organic” were even being whispered! A time when “hand-made” or “farm-grown” were actually considered a lesser quality and not all that sought after. Totally hard to imagine now! We planted beautiful herb gardens, and row and rows of herbs and flowers. I invited people to the farm to take classes, tour the gardens and learn all about how to grow and use herbs. I opened a retail store in an old horse barn; we offered workshops and served luncheons and teas to our visitors. For about 10 years, The Little Herb House and our farm operated this way, attracting visitors from across the state, as well as garden clubs, authors, magazines and press.

The wedding venue . . .

Then in 2009, a good friend’s daughter asked Craig & I if she could get married on our farm and use our big horse barn (which was no longer being used for horses) for her reception – we said yes! I couldn’t believe how beautiful the barn looked when it was all decorated for the event! The next year, three families asked to use our farm and again, we said yes! And as social media would have it, pictures began to surface on Facebook, photographers’ blogs, websites, etc. And it truly was that simple – we added wedding venue to our list of farm activities!




So there you have it! In case you had ever wondered what an herb farm and a wedding venue have in common, this is how it all came together! We have been blessed with a beautiful piece of land that I find much fulfillment and pleasure in growing beautiful things and sharing with others. And now I can truly say that love grows here too!

Until next time . . . Lisa

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